Sunday, July 3, 2011

My June Reads

THE NATIVE STAR (Native Star #1) by M.K. Hobson – An enjoyable adventure.

DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth – Most excellent. I highly recommend this book. It’s been a couple weeks since I finished the story and I still find myself thinking about the characters and what will happen next.

BLACK DUST MAMBO (Hoodoo Series #1) by Adrian Phoenix – Excellent. I finished this book the day #2 was release. I went to B&N to pick it up and started it that evening. Plus Adrian Phoenix will be at Powell’s July 6th so I wanted to have it read before the signing.


Vickie said...

AH! You just reminded me which will be my next read! I am getting some quality reading time on shift, thankfully.

Imzadi Dragonfly said...

Oh? What will it be? THE NATIVE STAR?